JOKER B - F-678
Blue Roan Stallion 1941
Sire:  Red Dog  Dam:  Blue Vitriol

Breeder:  Jack Casement, Steamboat Springs, CO
Owners:  Xena Casement,
Jack Blasingame,
Bob Cantrall, Reno, NV
Tommy Young, Las Vegas, NV
Lee Berry, Barstow, CA
William Benoist, Long Beach, CA
Carl Miles, Abilene, TX
The Syndicate - Frank P. Horlock, Jr, John Lyle, Jack Ryan and Carl Miles

Nat'l CH. World & Nat'l CH sire.CH Running Sire.ApHC Hall of Fame 1988.
Joker B Pedigree
Joker B Pedigree